Meet The Team

Jon Steiner
Each educated individual will touch the lives of many others. Since my retirement from teaching, I have been fortunate to assist students in Mali, Cambodia, Laos, and Kenya to achieve their dreams. While spending time with students and families in rural Kenya, I have observed another desperate need: access to clean drinking water. The goal of WE Care International is to address these two basic human needs.

Joanne Sandhu
WE Care International is nourishing the roots of hope by helping students achieve their dreams and by addressing the basic human need for water. Jon's kindness has already impacted African families by helping students complete their education. I am grateful for the opportunity to join and support the efforts of WE Care International.
Richard Litchfield
Board Member
I am a retired orthodontist in Eugene and have been training young professionals in Vietnam for the past 20 years. I realize the value of education in developing countries and support WE Care International in its outreach.

Shanbo Zhang
Vice President
Philanthropy is an investment for social impact. I believe an accountable and effective management system is essential to maximize social benefits from available resources. I am eager to contribute to W.E Care International to achieve its missions and resolve critical challenges for our communities in Africa.

Jeff Steiner
Board Member
I am honored to serve on the board of WE Care International due to the fact that clean water and educational advancement in Africa are both important issues facing today. Any way we can help foster a "can do" attitude to those receiving our contributions will help reap more benefits for communities in the near future.

Carl Meisel
It's an honor to serve as treasurer for WE Care International, applying my long experience in small business. It is rewarding to see how WE Care is changing lives in an impoverished community in Kenya.